Week 1, Fundamentals of Art Inquiry
GMail and the other web applications associated with it are exceptionally user-friendly, setting up the Blogger account took minutes.
In Fundamentals of Art Inquiry, I hope to build a better foundation of art knowledge, not only technical terminology, but a current social and political contexts with which I can make (and teach) art. I hope to investigate the process by which children can learn through art, and how to shape that with technology in a positive and beneficial way. I feel prepared and enthusiastic about taking this course online, and appreciate being able to work from a creative space.
After watching the Growth Mindset videos, I was struck by one sound bite from a video that said "Keep trying, again, and again, and again." I think this is exceptionally true for students who need to learn the balance between many subject areas at a young age. It's important to realize while a student may excel in the visual arts, they may truly need assistance in other areas, or vice versa: some students will curtail the art learning process if they excel in the main subject areas. Practicing all areas equally builds a better foundation for each.
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