The History of Art in Africa and India
Hinduism , its teachings and philosophies, is distinctive for its absence of a central figure. No founder, prophet, or origin story are tied to the growth of Hinduism, yet they have designed a path for redemption, a belief that through reincarnation we reach a higher varna, and become closer to liberation. While some sources say that Hindu temples are small and sparse, you can see the ornate architectural fabrication of artistic movements such as Islam and European Renaissance in the Hindu Shore Temples, which were resurfaced from the Bay and Bengal. At the Southern tip of the Ganges, in Mamallapuram, monuments to Hindu history carved in stone shows in great detail the deities and figures that the Hindu people admire. The most impressive monument, shared by both this film & Living With Art , would be the Kandariya Mahadeva, which honors Lord Shiva. This structure has 3 tiered temples, and one of the most ornate exteriors ever carved in stone. The engravi...